Alibaba Cloud Ping Speed Test

This online tool estimates the network latency from your browser to Alibaba Cloud (Aliyun) OSS data centers around the world.

Latency tests conducted on 4G network may not be acurate.


Region Latency (ms)
Hong Kong, China cn-hongkong
Tokyo ap-northeast-1
Seoul ap-northeast-2
Singapore ap-southeast-1
Kuala Lumpur ap-southeast-3
Jakarta ap-southeast-5
Manila ap-southeast-6
Bangkok ap-southeast-7
Frankfurt eu-central-1
London eu-west-1
Virginia us-east-1
Silicon Valley us-west-1
Dubai me-east-1
Alibaba Global CDN

Regions in Mainland China

Region Latency (ms)
Beijing cn-beijing
Chengdu cn-chengdu
Guangzhou cn-guangzhou
Hangzhou cn-hangzhou
Huhehaote cn-huhehaote
Qingdao cn-qingdao
Shanghai cn-shanghai
Shenzhen cn-shenzhen
Heyuan cn-heyuan
Wulanchabu cn-wulanchabu
Zhangjiakou cn-zhangjiakou
Alibaba Global CDN

This is not an official project.