Southeast Asia Cloud Ping Speed Test

This online tool estimates the network latency from your browser to AWS EC2, Azure Storage Account, Alibaba OSS, Tencent COS, Huawei OBS and Vultr VPS in Southeast Asia.

Latency tests conducted on 4G network may not be acurate.

CloudFront CDN Edge Location: Unknown

Southeast Asia

Region Latency (ms)
Singapore ap-southeast-1 aws
Jakarta ap-southeast-3 aws
Singapore southeastasia azure
Singapore ap-southeast-1 aliyun
Kuala Lumpur ap-southeast-3 aliyun
Jakarta ap-southeast-5 aliyun
Manila ap-southeast-6 aliyun
Bangkok ap-southeast-7 aliyun
Bangkok, Thailand ap-bangkok tencent
Jakarta, Indonesia ap-jakarta tencent
Singapore ap-singapore tencent
Bangkok, Thailand ap-southeast-2 huawei
Singapore ap-southeast-3 huawei
Singapore sgp vultr

This is not an official project.